Cesta:OKDatasheet > Semiconductor list > Alliance Datasheet > AS6UA25616-BC
AS6UA25616-BC spec: 2.3V to 3.6V 256K x 16 Intelliwatt low-power CMOS SRAM with one chip enable
Cesta:OKDatasheet > Semiconductor list > Alliance Datasheet > AS6UA25616-BC
AS6UA25616-BC spec: 2.3V to 3.6V 256K x 16 Intelliwatt low-power CMOS SRAM with one chip enable
Výrobcem : Alliance
Balení : CSP BGA
Špendlíky : 48
Teplota : Min 0 °C | Max 70 °C
Velikost : 208 KB
Aplikace : 2.3V to 3.6V 256K x 16 Intelliwatt low-power CMOS SRAM with one chip enable